Simply Ballet exists to educate and inspire students in the art of Classical Ballet.
We specialise in teaching Classical Ballet – with supplementary classes such as body conditioning, Contemporary, and Jazz also on offer. Our dedicated focus allows us to offer a range of programs appropriate to different age groups including specific Adult Ballet classes and Silver Swans®.
The school offers the opportunity for students to undertake examinations and class awards through the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) to help students train in classical ballet technique and feel a sense of achievement.
If you want to learn ballet, you want to learn at Simply Ballet.
Simply Ballet will provide excellence in training for students, teachers, and staff, in culture and atmosphere, and the client experience.
Celebrate Achievement
Simply Ballet will celebrate that students can achieve their own individual goals. Achievement will be valued over results or marks, acknowledging the value of the learning process.
Freedom of Choice
Dance training should be at the choice of the student and appropriate to the amount of individual commitment. Simply Ballet will provide adaptable solutions for clients in response to their goals, and training solutions may be flexible to suit personal circumstances and preferences.
Love of Ballet
Simply Ballet will encourage a love for the art of classical ballet in all students, staff, teachers, and parents involved in the studio. This includes respect for the art of classical ballet, for self, and for other students, staff, teachers and parents.