We’re always trying to help you get more ballet into your life – so we’ve introduced Month-to-Month PLUS (M2M+)
Designed to give you more flexibility with your booking options, or for those times when you just need an extra class. M2M+ allows you to book extra individual classes on top of your existing Month-to-Month booking, without changing your regular enrolment.
For example, if you’re normally enrolled for a ballet class, and decide one week you would like to stay for PBT – you can book the extra class through your customer portal as a one-off and attend. Or, you could add an extra ballet class on those weeks you’re free – whatever suits!
At the end of the month you’ll be invoiced for any extra classes you booked.
M2M+ doesn’t affect any make-up classes you have available, and you’ll still save more by booking multiple classes upfront with a bigger discount. Extra class bookings are also subject to spaces being available.
You can start right now – just log on to your customer portal and set-up direct debit (if you haven’t already) and get dancing.
If you have any questions or need help setting up your direct debit just contact us
Terms and Conditions Month-to-Month-PLUS (M2M+)
You can log on to your portal and select My Account > Payment Details and set-up your direct debit with a bank account or credit card. Alternatively, contact us and we’ll send you a direct link to do the setup.
There’s no need! Just book whatever classes you want to attend through your customer portal, and your class pack will keep track of your attendance.
Not a problem, just contact us 14 days before your next billing cycle to make any changes.
You’ll receive a make-up class for any missed classes, just like a regular enrolment. There’s no credit or refunds for missed lessons, just the same as a regular enrolment.
Absolutely! M2M+ is designed for those times when you’ve got no make-ups left, but you want to come for an extra class. Make-ups can be booked as usual through your customer portal.
Extra classes will be charged as per the fee schedule for how many minutes/hours you book that day. For example, one extra 75 minute class will be billed at the rate for 75 minutes per week, or a 30 min class at the rate for 30 mins per week.
For example, if you have 1 x 75 minute class as your regular enrolment, and book an extra 75 minute class that week, you will be charged the fee schedule rate for 75 minutes for that extra class, not a total of 2.5 hours for that week.
Permanent Month-to-Month bookings and students on Class Packs will be given priority over M2M+ bookings. You’ll need to contact us to see if there are any absences or unexpected spots become available. Your booking wont be confirmed until you hear back from us.
You can mark yourself as absent through your customer portal and receive a make-up class, but if you need to unenroll you need to contact Simply Ballet 14 days before your next billing cycle.
Your customer portal is the go-to place to find most administration things you need at Simply Ballet. It’s your own personal log-in where you can update your details, see your invoices, notify us of an absence, or book a make-up class.
The first time you log-in you will need to set a password
If you have purchased a class card and wish to book in for a class, or are doing a M2M+ booking you can do so through your Customer Portal
and more!
Have questions? Just contact us and we’re happy to help.