Celebrate your achievements
Celebrate your achievements

We’re about to embark on one the best times of year – it’s time to start thinking about ballet exams!

Why is this one of the best parts of the year? Well, because we believe strongly in our Simply Ballet value to “Celebrate Achievement” and assessments help us to do this in a fun and rewarding way.

Assessments should not be stressful, anxiety inducing, or onerous.  Rather, they should be exciting, satisfying and rewarding for all students.  Our aim is to help students reach goals and enjoy the process of getting there.  Assessments also help build self-confidence, motivation, and offer internationally recognised qualifications in dance.

Assessments are not compulsory, but we do encourage you to consider them.  

RAD Examinations and Class Awards offer worldwide recognised qualifications that develop specific skills and outcomes, which can also be used as stepping stones to achieving SACE certificates, and accessing tertiary or Higher Education. 

Assessments are available in a number of formats designed to be adaptable to individual students’ goals.

What's the difference between assessements?

Demonstration Class (Dance To Your Own Tune)

Students participate in a class in front of an RAD Examiner, as well as invited friends and family.  Students and audience enjoy a sense of occasion as they share their skills and imagination.  All participants receive a certificate from the Examiner and a progress report from their class teacher.

Class Award (PPID, PID, Grades 1- 8 and Discovering Repertoire)

Students prepare a selection of class exercises and a dance to be presented to the Examiner with the help of their class teacher.  Class Awards are an excellent way for students to gain an insight into their progress, receiving a certificate, report and medal bringing a well-earned sense of achievement to their studies. 

Examination (PID, Grades 1 – 8 and Discovering Repertoire)

Students prepare all class exercises and up to two dances to be presented to the Examiner without a teacher being present.   Students undertaking receive a mark out of 100, certificate, and medal as well as an internationally recognised qualification, but more importantly – a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

Dates and Rehearsals

Assessments will be held between August 12th and September 6th An exact date will not be known until after all Adelaide entries are scheduled.  All levels (except DTYOT) will require at least 1 dress rehearsal, to be scheduled on a Friday evening or Sunday depending on student availability.  Examination, and some Class Award students will require at least 2 x extra rehearsals to learn their assessment dance to be scheduled in the July school holidays, Fridays, or Sundays depending on student and studio availability.

When submitting your registration, you will need to let us know of any dates you know of that you will be unavailable during the Examination session.  Students who are unable to be examined on the schedule day (eg. sudden illness) will be filmed and submitted as a video assessment.

Costs and Requirements

Your ‘Total Entry Costs’ include your RAD Entry Fee, as well as rehearsal and other costs paid to Simply Ballet.  This cover items associated with taking an assessment such as music attendant fees, Skirt hire (where applicable), Prop hire, extra rehearsals/classes (excluding private lessons), photos on assessment day, and staff attendance on the day for supervision and hair etc. 

Once you have registered, you will be issued with an invoice that itemises your RAD Entry Fee and costs paid to Simply Ballet.  Payment for entries is due no later than Saturday June 8th.

Total costs do not cover normal uniform leotards, tights, or shoes.

Any fees paid to the RAD are only refundable under certain conditions. Please see the RAD’s refund policy for more details https://au.royalacademyofdance.org/exams/exam-refunds/

Costs paid to Simply Ballet may be refundable depending on your circumstances, but we cannot offer of a change of mind refund in this instance once entries are submitted.

Assessment Options by Level

Level Assessment Type Requirements Total Entry Cost
Dance To Your Own Tune
Demonstration Class
Regular class attendance
Pre-Primary in Dance
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Primary in Dance
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 1
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 2
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 2
Regular class attendance 2 classes per week and 2 x July school holiday rehearsals and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 3
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 3
Regular class attendance 2 classes per week and 2 x July school holiday rehearsals and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Grade 7
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress Rehearsal
Grade 7
Regular class attendance 2 classes per week and 2 x July school holiday rehearsals and 1 x Dress rehearsal
Adult Classical Level 1 (RAD Grade 4)
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 4 x 30min extra rehearsals and 1 x Dress Rehearsal
Adult Classical Level 2 (RAD Grade 5)
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 4 x 30min extra dance rehearsals and 1 x Dress Rehearsal
Adult Classical Level 3 (RAD Intermediate)
Regular class attendance 2 classes per week and 2 x extra rehearsals and 1 x Dress Rehearsal
Adult Classical Level 4 (Discovering Repertoire Level 4 Class)
Class Award
Regular class attendance and 1 x Dress Rehearsal
Adult Classical Level 4 (Discovering Repertoire Level 4 Class)
Regular class attendance 2 classes per week and 2 x extra rehearsals and 1 x Dress Rehearsal


Uniform for assessments is the same as general class uniform.  Items are available for purchase through Simply Ballet or can be ordered directly from dancewear stores or manufactures.  2nd hand uniform items and shoes are also available at the studio.  If you will have trouble purchasing uniform or need further details on what is required, please let us know.

Register Now

All entries and full payment must be received by Simply Ballet no later than 6pm Saturday June 8th 2024. 

Entries will then be submitted to the RAD by Simply Ballet.  Unfortunately, no late entries or payments can be accepted under any circumstances.

For more details, contact us or speak with your teacher.

To be entered for an RAD Exam or assessment you will need to fill out a registration form. Paper copies are available at the studio or forms can be completed online.

Assessment FAQ's

When will assessments be held?

Assessments will be held on a day during the assessment period. It is usually a weekday, but we will not know the date until it is issued by the RAD once all entries have been processed.  It is possible you will need to take some time off work/school.  You will generally need to be available for around 2 hours to prepare for, and complete your assessment. When submitting your registration, you will need to let us know of any dates you know of that you will be unavailable.

Where will assessments be held?

Assessments will be held at Simply Ballet’s studios

Are there extra classes or rehearsals?

All levels (except DTYOT) will require at least 1 dress rehearsal, to be scheduled on a Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, or Sunday depending on student and studio availability.

Some Grades will require at least 2 x extra rehearsals to learn their assessment dance or Assessment groupings.  Extra rehearsals will be scheduled depending on staff, studio, and student availability and in consultation with students.  Extra rehearsals for Examination students will generally be held at their regular class time in the July school holidays.

Any extra rehearsals required are included in the assessment costs you pay to Simply Ballet.

Do I need a Uniform?

Yes.  Our regular uniform will be required for all students. This is generally what most students wear to class already. 

Extra items such as Character skirts, chiffon skirts, headdresses, and props are hired through Simply Ballet and are included in your assessment costs.

What happens if I am sick?

In the event of Assessments being cancelled due to illness or COVID restrictions, Assessments will be filmed and submitted to the RAD.

Any fees paid to the RAD are only refundable under certain conditions. Please review the RAD’s refund policy before committing  https://au.royalacademyofdance.org/exams/exam-refunds/

How do I register for an assessment?

Registration forms are available at the studio or register online here

Need more information? Contact Us or speak with your class teacher.